Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stage IV cancer & Cured

I made a promise to God or to myself, not sure which one of us, long ago to make a difference regarding Cancer. I didn’t know what I was talking about at the time. All I knew was that I was fighting for my life and in a righteous way made statements that I was going to be cured of Cancer.

That Stage IV Breast Cancer did not apply to me and that I was going to walk away with a message “If there is a will, there is a cure” and I said this with determination and bravado.

Boy, I have been humbled in many many ways since those early days of diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2007 and today I am NED (No evidence of Disease) I call my self Cured. This cure I have been gifted did not come to me because my will is greater than others or yours. I am Cured of Cancer because I am a Miracle. No explanation.

I was blessed with the right doctor, medicines, research, diet, juicing, healer, psychotherapist, acupuncturist, shaman, prayer, community, family, husband, spirit and God. Not sure which one of these did it maybe all in combination. One thing is for certain my surrendering to God I feel was my greatest strength. During my immature phase of post Cancer I felt that if I evangelized my Cancer plan other would follow and the results would be successful. And I did! I think the Divine must have looked upon me with compassion and dismay.

Probably wondering what the hell was I talking about. I really believed that I had the answer to cancer. I was wrong! Since then I have lost dear friends to cancer and some of them way more healthier and conscious than I. They heard my rhetoric and followed my get cured from cancer program and still their fate was to transcend. I was not ready to lose them and it has humbled me and increased my Gratitude for the Life that I have been gifted. The Gratitude of Life is what I now seek to share and grow.

Cancer is part of my fate and maybe yours. I don’t know why I got cured and I don’t know how or what did it. All I know is that I am in deep gratitude. And I pray that you will too. This is a forum of gratitude and miracles. I know that when I was diagnosed I searched for hope. I wanted to know that there were people out there that were in similar situations as me and had been cured. I found none. And here I am hoping to fulfill my promise to the Divine regarding Cancer.

I hope to share my story with you, my experience and hopefully you may gain hope, strength and support. The journey of Cancer is very scary and unique. No one has the same experience or outcome. I hope to share my love with you. Miracles happen it happened for me why not YOU!!


Alison Leipzig said...

You are such a gift to the world. Thank you for sharing your story, it's healing for ALL who come in contact with you. Love you!

a NOVOTNY said...

Thank you Love, you inspire me.

lavamama2012 said...

I concur...a gift to the world...amen. I am in awe of your humility and compassion for yourself and for everyone.
I wish the parents of children with cancer could connect with you in their time of desperation and desolation. I will pray for this. I love you.