My feelings. This journey of life oh so magical. All I have to do is go deep within to find the ancient wisdom and create my own healing concoction: LOVE! - Mis pensamientos.... mis sentimientos. Este viaje de la vida, ¡Oh tan mágico! Todo lo que hay que hacer es ir a lo profundo para encontrar la sabiduría antigua y crear mi propio brebaje curatorio: ¡EL AMOR!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Surrender: Healing does not have to be a struggle - Entrega: La sanación no debe ser una batalla
This is my response to the cancer and all the fear associated to cancer. As much as I do not want cancer the reality is that I have it or better said had it. By creating an army to fight the cancer I am identifying with aggression and struggle. When in reality Healing can be transformative and organic. By running away from the cancer or attacking or hating the cancer I am in struggle, pain, suffering and FEAR. So I prayed and gave it all over to God. I could not live my cancer experience with FEAR and Struggle. I am done living my life feeling like I am swimming against the current. I have lived this pattern long enough. So by handing the Cancer, fear, pain, hurt and struggle over to the Divine. I am no longer burdened and I could go through treatment with acceptance and commitment feeling like all the medicines and treatments were for my highest good and Healing.
--- Español---
Esta es mi respuesta al Cáncer y a todo el temor asociado con él. Por mucho que no quiero el Cáncer la realidad es que lo tengo... o mejor dicho, lo tuve. Creando un ejército para pelear contra el Cáncer me identifico con la agresión y la lucha, cuando en realidad la Sanación puede ser transformadora y orgánica. Huyendo del Cáncer, atacándolo u odiándolo estoy en una batalla, sufriendo y temiendo. Así que oré y se lo entregué todo a Dios. Yo no puedo vivir mi experiencia con el Cáncer temiento y batallando, estoy cansada de vivir mi vida sintiendo como que estoy nadando contra la corriente... he vivido con ese patrón por mucho tiempo. Así que entregando el Cáncer, el temor, el dolor, el dolor y la batalla hacia la Divinidad ya no tengo esa carga y puedo realizar el tratamiento con la aceptación y compromiso sintiendo que las medicinas son por mi bien y Sanación.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Detox MIND BODY AND LIFE - 4 Cancer & CURED - Desintoxicación de la mente, el cuerpo y la vida
By Detoxing on all levels you are now helping your immune system. Your immune system is on over load right now and has been for while. By detoxing you are contributing to your healing process. It is a way of you taking charge of Healing. Let the doctors handle the medicine you can Detox your MIND, BODY and LIFE.
Detox your Mind: You must question your MIND. And really ask yourself "How do I know if what I am thinking is true"?
How do I know if what I am told is true?
What is true and if it is true according to who?
You must detox from all the limiting, fear based, guilt based and shame based thinking. All toxic thoughts need to be questioned. All mental limitation needs to be questioned and release.
Your mind is susceptible to suggestion so you must be vigilant and witness your mind. Make sure that your mind is not wondering or focusing on limitation. The mind can no longer get carried away and take you hostage.
You most DETOX from the ADDICTIONS of your mind. By questioning your thoughts you are taking control of your MIND. The mind is addicted to fear, limitation, inhibition and suffering. But now that you have Cancer you must realize that you have hit bottom.
And the truth is: you, nor the doctors, nor the statistics, nor the diagnosis knows what is going to happen. THE ONLY TRUTH is that ALL is POSSIBLE ALL is POSSIBLE and MIRACLES Happen. You can not engage in limiting thinking.
BODY: Change your diet. Eliminate Junk food and drinks. Eat lots of greens. Juice greens and berries. Reduce animal by products. All junk food is bad for you and probably carcinogenic. Eat organic or at best fresh vegetables. Detox from the unhealthy eating habits.
LIFE: Ask “What/ who is in my life that gets in the way of my joy and connection with the Divine”. And whatever the answer is make sure you start withdrawing from that relationship/ pattern. Healing is about change and transformation. Letting go of what no longer serves us. Detoxing from unhealthy relationships, dynamics, patterns, beliefs, situations and circumstance.
Love you and honor you,
-- Español --
Por medio de la desintoxicación en todos los niveles tú eres capaz de ayudar a tu sistema inmunológico. Éste ha estado sobrecargado. Desintoxicándolo puedes contribuir a tu proceso de curación, esa es una manera de tomar las riendas de tu sanación. Deja que los doctores manejen la medicina que puede desintoxicar tu MENTE, tu CUERPO y tu VIDA. Desintoxicar tu mente, te pregunatás. Y realmente te preguntarás a ti mismo ¿Cómo saber que lo que estoy pensando es verdad? ¿Cómo saber si lo que se me ha dicho es verdad? ¿Cuál es la verdad y de acuerdo a quién?
Debes desintoxicarte de todas las limitaciones, miedos, temores, culpas y penas basadas en el pensamiento. Debes cuestionar todos los pensamientos tóxicos. Todas las limitaciones mentales deben ser cuestionadas y liberadas.
Tu mente es susceptible a la sugestión y debes ser vigilante de tu mente. Debes asegurarte de que tu mente no está centrándose en las limitaciones. La mente no puede hacerte su prisionero.
Debes desintoxicarte de las ADICCIONES de tu mente. Cuestionando tus pensamientos estás tomando control de tu MENTE. La mente es adicta al temor, a las limitaciones, la inhibición y al sufrimiento. Pero ahora que tienes Cáncer debes realizar que has tocado fondo.
Y la verdad es que ni tú, ni los médicos, ni las estadísticas ni el diagnóstico saben qué es lo que va a pasar. LA ÚNICA VERDAD es que TODO es POSIBLE y los MILAGROS ocurren. No puedes engancharte en las limitaciones del pensamiento.
CUERPO: Cambia tu dieta. Elimina la comida y las bebidas chatarra. Cámbialas por los verdes, los jugos verdes y de frutas. Reduce el consumo de productos animales. Toda la comida chatarra es mala y posiblemente cancerígena. Come vegetales frescos y orgánicos. Desintoxícate de los malos hábitos alimenticios.
VIDA: Pregúntate ¿Qué o quién en mi vida está en mi camino que me aparta de la conexión con la Divinidad? Y cualquiera que sea la respuesta podrás tener la seguridad de que has comenzado a apartarte de esa relación o patrón. Sanarse implica cambios y transformaciones. Dejar ir lo que no nos sirve. Desintoxicarnos implica apartarnos de relaciones, dinámicas, patrones, creencias, situaciones y circunstancias no saludables.
Con amor para ustedes,
How do I know if what I am told is true?
What is true and if it is true according to who?
You must detox from all the limiting, fear based, guilt based and shame based thinking. All toxic thoughts need to be questioned. All mental limitation needs to be questioned and release.
Your mind is susceptible to suggestion so you must be vigilant and witness your mind. Make sure that your mind is not wondering or focusing on limitation. The mind can no longer get carried away and take you hostage.
You most DETOX from the ADDICTIONS of your mind. By questioning your thoughts you are taking control of your MIND. The mind is addicted to fear, limitation, inhibition and suffering. But now that you have Cancer you must realize that you have hit bottom.
And the truth is: you, nor the doctors, nor the statistics, nor the diagnosis knows what is going to happen. THE ONLY TRUTH is that ALL is POSSIBLE ALL is POSSIBLE and MIRACLES Happen. You can not engage in limiting thinking.
BODY: Change your diet. Eliminate Junk food and drinks. Eat lots of greens. Juice greens and berries. Reduce animal by products. All junk food is bad for you and probably carcinogenic. Eat organic or at best fresh vegetables. Detox from the unhealthy eating habits.
LIFE: Ask “What/ who is in my life that gets in the way of my joy and connection with the Divine”. And whatever the answer is make sure you start withdrawing from that relationship/ pattern. Healing is about change and transformation. Letting go of what no longer serves us. Detoxing from unhealthy relationships, dynamics, patterns, beliefs, situations and circumstance.
Love you and honor you,
-- Español --
Por medio de la desintoxicación en todos los niveles tú eres capaz de ayudar a tu sistema inmunológico. Éste ha estado sobrecargado. Desintoxicándolo puedes contribuir a tu proceso de curación, esa es una manera de tomar las riendas de tu sanación. Deja que los doctores manejen la medicina que puede desintoxicar tu MENTE, tu CUERPO y tu VIDA. Desintoxicar tu mente, te pregunatás. Y realmente te preguntarás a ti mismo ¿Cómo saber que lo que estoy pensando es verdad? ¿Cómo saber si lo que se me ha dicho es verdad? ¿Cuál es la verdad y de acuerdo a quién?
Debes desintoxicarte de todas las limitaciones, miedos, temores, culpas y penas basadas en el pensamiento. Debes cuestionar todos los pensamientos tóxicos. Todas las limitaciones mentales deben ser cuestionadas y liberadas.
Tu mente es susceptible a la sugestión y debes ser vigilante de tu mente. Debes asegurarte de que tu mente no está centrándose en las limitaciones. La mente no puede hacerte su prisionero.
Debes desintoxicarte de las ADICCIONES de tu mente. Cuestionando tus pensamientos estás tomando control de tu MENTE. La mente es adicta al temor, a las limitaciones, la inhibición y al sufrimiento. Pero ahora que tienes Cáncer debes realizar que has tocado fondo.
Y la verdad es que ni tú, ni los médicos, ni las estadísticas ni el diagnóstico saben qué es lo que va a pasar. LA ÚNICA VERDAD es que TODO es POSIBLE y los MILAGROS ocurren. No puedes engancharte en las limitaciones del pensamiento.
CUERPO: Cambia tu dieta. Elimina la comida y las bebidas chatarra. Cámbialas por los verdes, los jugos verdes y de frutas. Reduce el consumo de productos animales. Toda la comida chatarra es mala y posiblemente cancerígena. Come vegetales frescos y orgánicos. Desintoxícate de los malos hábitos alimenticios.
VIDA: Pregúntate ¿Qué o quién en mi vida está en mi camino que me aparta de la conexión con la Divinidad? Y cualquiera que sea la respuesta podrás tener la seguridad de que has comenzado a apartarte de esa relación o patrón. Sanarse implica cambios y transformaciones. Dejar ir lo que no nos sirve. Desintoxicarnos implica apartarnos de relaciones, dinámicas, patrones, creencias, situaciones y circunstancias no saludables.
Con amor para ustedes,
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
"Fierce Faith"
Temple in Hong Kong |
My Faith Woke Up and it is intense and unshakable.
The tendency to be in fear and doubt... Disappeared.
The chronic condition of doubt and "What if" could no longer be a part of my thoughts and feelings. My survival instinct directed me to Faith. Faith that I am OK and will be OK. As my Fierce Faith grew the fear lessened and when my mind went to the dark side the presence of Faith somehow allowed me to understand that dark (death) is not a bad place and it is just another dimension, the next phase and it is not a bad place. Fierce Faith forced me to ask myself where was I before I came to this life and to this body. How do I know that where I was before looked at this present phase as the "dark side".
Who knows... But with Faith these thought and realities made my existence with Cancer manageable. And to this day Fierce Faith is what keeps me centered and accepting my fate and optimistic of the destiny I am presently Manifesting.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Stage IV cancer & Cured
I made a promise to God or to myself, not sure which one of us, long ago to make a difference regarding Cancer. I didn’t know what I was talking about at the time. All I knew was that I was fighting for my life and in a righteous way made statements that I was going to be cured of Cancer.
That Stage IV Breast Cancer did not apply to me and that I was going to walk away with a message “If there is a will, there is a cure” and I said this with determination and bravado.
Boy, I have been humbled in many many ways since those early days of diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2007 and today I am NED (No evidence of Disease) I call my self Cured. This cure I have been gifted did not come to me because my will is greater than others or yours. I am Cured of Cancer because I am a Miracle. No explanation.
I was blessed with the right doctor, medicines, research, diet, juicing, healer, psychotherapist, acupuncturist, shaman, prayer, community, family, husband, spirit and God. Not sure which one of these did it maybe all in combination. One thing is for certain my surrendering to God I feel was my greatest strength. During my immature phase of post Cancer I felt that if I evangelized my Cancer plan other would follow and the results would be successful. And I did! I think the Divine must have looked upon me with compassion and dismay.
Probably wondering what the hell was I talking about. I really believed that I had the answer to cancer. I was wrong! Since then I have lost dear friends to cancer and some of them way more healthier and conscious than I. They heard my rhetoric and followed my get cured from cancer program and still their fate was to transcend. I was not ready to lose them and it has humbled me and increased my Gratitude for the Life that I have been gifted. The Gratitude of Life is what I now seek to share and grow.
Cancer is part of my fate and maybe yours. I don’t know why I got cured and I don’t know how or what did it. All I know is that I am in deep gratitude. And I pray that you will too. This is a forum of gratitude and miracles. I know that when I was diagnosed I searched for hope. I wanted to know that there were people out there that were in similar situations as me and had been cured. I found none. And here I am hoping to fulfill my promise to the Divine regarding Cancer.
I hope to share my story with you, my experience and hopefully you may gain hope, strength and support. The journey of Cancer is very scary and unique. No one has the same experience or outcome. I hope to share my love with you. Miracles happen it happened for me why not YOU!!
That Stage IV Breast Cancer did not apply to me and that I was going to walk away with a message “If there is a will, there is a cure” and I said this with determination and bravado.
Boy, I have been humbled in many many ways since those early days of diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2007 and today I am NED (No evidence of Disease) I call my self Cured. This cure I have been gifted did not come to me because my will is greater than others or yours. I am Cured of Cancer because I am a Miracle. No explanation.
I was blessed with the right doctor, medicines, research, diet, juicing, healer, psychotherapist, acupuncturist, shaman, prayer, community, family, husband, spirit and God. Not sure which one of these did it maybe all in combination. One thing is for certain my surrendering to God I feel was my greatest strength. During my immature phase of post Cancer I felt that if I evangelized my Cancer plan other would follow and the results would be successful. And I did! I think the Divine must have looked upon me with compassion and dismay.
Probably wondering what the hell was I talking about. I really believed that I had the answer to cancer. I was wrong! Since then I have lost dear friends to cancer and some of them way more healthier and conscious than I. They heard my rhetoric and followed my get cured from cancer program and still their fate was to transcend. I was not ready to lose them and it has humbled me and increased my Gratitude for the Life that I have been gifted. The Gratitude of Life is what I now seek to share and grow.
Cancer is part of my fate and maybe yours. I don’t know why I got cured and I don’t know how or what did it. All I know is that I am in deep gratitude. And I pray that you will too. This is a forum of gratitude and miracles. I know that when I was diagnosed I searched for hope. I wanted to know that there were people out there that were in similar situations as me and had been cured. I found none. And here I am hoping to fulfill my promise to the Divine regarding Cancer.
I hope to share my story with you, my experience and hopefully you may gain hope, strength and support. The journey of Cancer is very scary and unique. No one has the same experience or outcome. I hope to share my love with you. Miracles happen it happened for me why not YOU!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Five Years Cancer Free - Cinco años libre de Cáncer
Being diagnosed with such an incomprehensible disease such as Stage IV Breast Cancer was terrifying. I felt like I was drowning, I knew how to swim, but I was caught in an undertow and I was not sure how to come up for air. This was my first experience with “Letting Go”.
Once I knew I had a Dis-Ease, an aggressive intruder named Cancer attacking my body I desperately searched the internet seeking hope and information.
I felt that if I could find someone with my condition that had made it I would be able to rest. I did not find anyone. Instead, I found gloom and doom, statistics that were not favorable and it was heartbreaking.
When I was diagnosed I was a healthy 33 year old woman and I wanted to meet or read about other regular people that were with a miracle...people who were Cured. Someone like myself today. I am coming up on 5 years Cancer Free and living a full life. I pray that this may happen for you.
This sight is about my journey and the many spiritual and practical lessons cancer has given me. I hope my writings and videos provide strength and love. May my journey with Cancer and transformation be of service to you.
Love, Angels... Namaste,
Haber sido diagnosticada con una enfermedad tan incomprensible como el Cáncer de seno fase IV fue aterrorizante. Me sentí como que me estaba ahogando; yo sé nadar pero sentí como haber sido arrastrada por una corriente y no estaba segura de cómo salir a tomar aire. Esta fue mi primera experiencia con “Dejarlo ir”.
Cuando supe que tenía una enfermedad, un intruso agresivo llamado Cáncer atacando mi cuerpo, busqué desesperadamente en Internet esperanza e información. Sentí que si podría encontrar a alguien con mi condición que lo hubiera superado podría haber sido capaz de descansar. No encontré a nadie. En cambio, encontré pesimismo y fatalidad, estadísticas de que no había nada favorable y eso fue desgarrador.
Cuando fui diagnosticada, yo era una mujer saludable de 33 años y quería conocer o leer acerca de otras personas normales con un milagro… personas que hubieran sido curadas. Alguien como yo ahora, que va para 5 años Libre de Cáncer, llena de vida. Yo rezo para que esto les pase a ustedes. Esta visión es acerca de la ruta que seguí y de la gran cantidad de lecciones prácticas y espirituales que el Cáncer me ha dado.
Espero que mis escritos y videos les den fuerza y amor. Que mi trayecto con el Cáncer y la transformación que viví pueda estar a su servicio.
Con amor, Aleyda
Once I knew I had a Dis-Ease, an aggressive intruder named Cancer attacking my body I desperately searched the internet seeking hope and information.
I felt that if I could find someone with my condition that had made it I would be able to rest. I did not find anyone. Instead, I found gloom and doom, statistics that were not favorable and it was heartbreaking.
When I was diagnosed I was a healthy 33 year old woman and I wanted to meet or read about other regular people that were with a miracle...people who were Cured. Someone like myself today. I am coming up on 5 years Cancer Free and living a full life. I pray that this may happen for you.
This sight is about my journey and the many spiritual and practical lessons cancer has given me. I hope my writings and videos provide strength and love. May my journey with Cancer and transformation be of service to you.
Love, Angels... Namaste,
Haber sido diagnosticada con una enfermedad tan incomprensible como el Cáncer de seno fase IV fue aterrorizante. Me sentí como que me estaba ahogando; yo sé nadar pero sentí como haber sido arrastrada por una corriente y no estaba segura de cómo salir a tomar aire. Esta fue mi primera experiencia con “Dejarlo ir”.
Cuando supe que tenía una enfermedad, un intruso agresivo llamado Cáncer atacando mi cuerpo, busqué desesperadamente en Internet esperanza e información. Sentí que si podría encontrar a alguien con mi condición que lo hubiera superado podría haber sido capaz de descansar. No encontré a nadie. En cambio, encontré pesimismo y fatalidad, estadísticas de que no había nada favorable y eso fue desgarrador.
Cuando fui diagnosticada, yo era una mujer saludable de 33 años y quería conocer o leer acerca de otras personas normales con un milagro… personas que hubieran sido curadas. Alguien como yo ahora, que va para 5 años Libre de Cáncer, llena de vida. Yo rezo para que esto les pase a ustedes. Esta visión es acerca de la ruta que seguí y de la gran cantidad de lecciones prácticas y espirituales que el Cáncer me ha dado.
Espero que mis escritos y videos les den fuerza y amor. Que mi trayecto con el Cáncer y la transformación que viví pueda estar a su servicio.
Con amor, Aleyda
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