Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It is OVER you can RELAX Now

I never thought this would come to me in the mist of the Hurricane called Cancer: It is impossible to resist or fight a hurricane, because it is a force so destructive and powerful- how could you ever win? At best you can try to prepare yourself and pray to withstand the wrath. It is this metaphor that introduced the sensation of powerlessness within my heart and soul. And as I acknowledged the powerlessness over the STAGE IV Breast Cancer –a liver with huge tumors.

I realized that my mind and charisma was not going to think my way out of this one. It is as if my will came to halt. And said I can’t do it anymore. I cannot take care of this issue. I cannot fix it or out smart it. I need a power stronger and wiser than myself I need GOD!! I RELAXED into the will of the Divine.

I felt the Power of my EGO become small and vulnerable and OPEN. I organically surrendered my will my EGO to the Divine. And as I did this surrendering of the EGO, my mind got quite, my heart opened up and the soothing out pour of love started. At that very moment I knew I was going to be alright and I relaxed. I was no longer in charge of my life. I surrendered and knew the divine had a plan for me and my life. A plan called my fate and it was all good..

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